Get Moving: Simple Strategies to Boost Your Fitness

Spring is finally here, and that means a shift in the air – not just temperature, but also a renewed sense of energy. After spending more time indoors during winter, our bodies might be craving some movement. Luckily, spring's arrival offers the perfect opportunity to get moving and reconnect with the great outdoors.

wooden forest walkway for outdoor fitness

Let's face it, moving our bodies just feels good. Exercise isn't about how we look, it's most importantly about how we feel! It gives us more energy throughout the day, helps us sleep better at night, and even boosts our mood. Plus, getting outside lets us soak up some sunshine, which helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, important for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

If you spent winter with lower activity levels, your body may need some time to adjust before tackling intense workouts. Just like any machine that hasn't been used much, our muscles and joints might feel a little stiff or weak if we push them too hard too soon. This can lead to soreness or even injuries. The key is to listen to your body and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your activity as your fitness improves.

There are many simple ways to get your body moving! Here are some simple ideas to get you started:

  • Take a Walk: Walking is a fantastic, low-impact exercise that requires no special equipment. Walking outdoors allows you to soak up sunshine and enjoy the fresh air, all while getting your heart rate up and your blood flowing. Walking also helps regulate blood sugar levels and boosts mood-enhancing endorphins. So lace up your shoes, enjoy the fresh air, and reap the rewards of this simple activity.

  • Sneak in More Steps: Staying active doesn't have to involve dedicated workouts. Here are some ways to incorporate more movement throughout your day: park further away from your destination and walk the extra distance, take the stairs instead of the elevator if possible, or do some quick stretches or light exercises during commercial breaks while watching TV. Every bit counts!

  • Consider the Fitness Center: If the weather isn't ideal for outdoor walks or you crave a more structured workout routine, consider the local fitness center. 

take the stairs walking upstairs to improve fitness

The key to reaping the long-term benefits of exercise is consistency! Don't feel pressured to jump into intense workouts right away. Start with short, manageable walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness improves. Remember, even small amounts of daily activity add up and make a significant difference in your overall health and well-being.

BONUS FUN FACT: A study from Cambridge University found that 75 minutes of moderate exercise a week (which breaks down to about 11 minutes of brisk walking per day) was found to reduce the risk of developing cancer by 7%, heart disease by 17%, and lowered the risk of early death overall by 23%.  

Curious how I can help you achieve your health goals? At Prioritize Health, we believe in making healthy living easy and practical through personalized nutrition plans, easy-to-follow strategies, and ongoing support & motivation. Schedule a FREE consultation here or learn more now.


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